World Class
Gypsum and Anhydrite
Agricultural Products

Gypsum and Anhydrite First Look
Anhydrite (CaSO4) and Gypsum (CaSO4+2H2O) are naturally occurring organic minerals
Unbeatable source of sulfur and calcium for plant nutrition. Immediately increase crop yields.
Treats aluminum toxicity and improves soil Ph. Get all the benefits of gypsum and anhydrite along with the acid soil improvement ability of lime.
Drastically improves soil structure for superior root growth. Improve aggregation and overcome dispersion in sodic soils.
Gypsum and Anhydrite decrease swelling clay and improves overall water infiltration.
Greatly decreases erosion and nutrient runoff. Empire products will help keep plant nutrients on your fields.
Replaces harmful salts such as sodium, chlorine, and boron that can destroy plant cells

Empire Product Line
Empire Anhydrite
Highest Calcium (Ca) and Sulfate (SO4) content product on our line
Empire Anhydrite tests at a minimum of 100% gypsum equivalency and often reaches up to 108%. More calcium and sulfate per ton than gypsum.
Non Caustic, Non Toxic for completely safe handling
OMRI Listed
Empire Gypsum
Enhances water use efficiency
Non Caustic, Non Toxic for completely safe handling
OMRI Listed
Time Release 100
Best of both worlds! Contains a minimum 100% gypsum equivalency while increasing water use efficiency. More Calcium and Sulfate per ton than gypsum.
Non Caustic, Non Toxic for completely safe handling
OMRI Listed

Gypsum vs. Anhydrite
Always check your product labels and certified lab reports when buying gypsum and anhydrite products.
The top anhydrite products on the market will guarantee 26% calcium and 19% sulfur.
The top gypsum products on the market will often guarantee 95%.
Contact Empire Mining Co today to try our world class products.